[liberationtech] Iran's Green Movement - URGENT ALERT - Please RT
SiNA Rabbani
sina at redteam.io
Fri Aug 24 20:20:02 PDT 2012
Kaleme.com is the living example of how technology has enabled a movement
like the green path of hope stay in contact with its members. In the
absence of newspapers and radios, using the most basic, yet important
technologies this voice has been kept alive for 3 years.
Kaleme translates to "word" in English. Kaleme has literally owned the
word, word in the farsi search engine results.
pictures of political prisoners are sent for the site using prepaid camera
phones. These images cause social change.
RSS feeds, feed burner, twitter, Facebook, Tor hidden services and
WordPress are some of the technologies used to keep this site alive.
It must be studied and learned from. Some whistleblowing projects like to
take credit for the Arab spring. Some call what happened a Facebook or
Twitter revolution. I think we are only beginning to see what its like to
live in a *global village*.
President Mousavi is taken to hospital in Tehran, his website makes 1
posting and gets thousands of links and references in a matter of hours,
all thanks to Liberation Technologies.
As far as the technologies used to suppress this event, I can mention the
increase of satellite interference aka Parazit in large cities like Tehran.
Certain VIPs also complained about Skype connections being dropped in Iran.
I apologize for my non-descriptive, non technical post a few days ago.
Thank you for all you do for freedom of information.
All the best,
On Aug 24, 2012 12:58 PM, "Mahdi Yousefi" <m.yousefi at ut.ac.ir> wrote:
> **
> Dear Sina,
> Just a simple mistake in reading of my email. I said that this "issue"
> (going of Mousavi to the hospital as reported in your email- I mentiond
> some famous reformist websites and not governmental in Iran which reported
> the issue differently) is political not the whole "event" of the green
> movement. You can discuss about the liberating role of technologies in
> contemporary Iran, but the only technological issue in your previous email
> is the installing of cameras in the hospital. I respect to your political
> stance and intentionally avoid any political statement about Mousavi or
> other political figures in Iran (I think this list is not suitable place
> for such discussions) seeking analytic investigations of the role of media
> at that event. I am in Iran and investigated important English, Persian
> and even Arabic news websites about that event and had my own analysis.
> Best,
> Mahdi
> On 2012-08-24 22:47, SiNA Rabbani wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Hi Mahdi,
> I think the issue
> is political (without the role of technology)
> I disagree with your statement that this event is political without
> the role of technology. My email was sent to this list, because of the
> name: Liberation Technologies.
> Are you aware that Iranians are the #1 or #2 blogging community in the
> world? How do you expect these voices to be political with the access
> to proper technologies? How do you think the news of Mousavi going to
> hospital was published on his site????
> All using "Liberation Technologies"!!!
> Every-time there is a political event in Iran, my contacts and I see
> Internet throttle and new fancy ways to block tools by protocol. Sp we
> mobilize and organize to over come thees new techniques!!!
> All the best,
> SiNA
> p.s. Ma Bishomarim
> Mahdi Yousefi:
> Dear Sina, Look at that story on the Entekhab (a famous news website
> belongs to reformists in Iran) about the issue (
> http://www.entekhab.ir/fa/news/74221).More or less, same stories - which
> shows that Mousavi had a usual surgery and discharged from the
> hospital-produced in another news websites including some reformist
> websites. Did you check another news resources? However I'm not sure about
> that (as there was some contra stories) but I think the issue is political
> (without the role of technology) in the sense that it does not relate to
> the themes of the Libtech mailing list. Best, -- *Mahdi Yousefi * **PhD
> Candidate University of Tehran Department of Communication On 2012-08-24
> 00:09, SiNA Rabbani wrote: Mir Hossein Mousavi, former presidential
> candidate during the 2009 elections and leader of the Green Movement under
> illegal house arrest for approximately 18 months, was transferred to a
> cardiac hospital in down town Tehran under extreme security measures
> accompanied by his wife Zahra Rahnavard. 526 days after his illegal house
> arrest, Mir Hossein Mousavi who was reportedly suffering from extreme chest
> pain was reportedly transferred this morning, Thursday August 23rd, 2012,
> under extreme security measures to the Coronary Care Unit (CCU) at a
> cardiac hospital in central Tehran. It has been reported that security
> agents arrived at the hospital the night before Mousavi?s transfer,
> installing security cameras throughout the hospital. According to the same
> reports the security apparatus assigned to Mir Hossein Mousavi and his wife
> Zahra Rahnavard at the hospital includes tens of IRGC agents, security
> agents and plain clothes officers. The hospital personnel working in the
> unit where Mousavi has been admitted, have not been allowed to leave the
> building and Mousavi is said to be banned from all visitation. It has been
> reported that as a result of a blocked coronary artery, Mousavi under went
> a three hour angiogram. Upon completion of the operation, Mousavi was
> transferred back to the CCU unit where he is likely to remain for a longer
> period of time. In the event that Mousavi?s hospitalization is prolonged,
> there is speculation that he will be kept in isolation in a separate unit
> in the hospital. Source: Kaleme: http://kaleme.org/1391/06/02/klm-110814/
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> "The world will not be destroyed by those who do evil, but by those who
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> =9++2
> --
> * Mahdi Yousefi * PhD Candidate University of Tehran Department of Communication (+98) 912 490 4094
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