[liberationtech] Upcoming Online Course in Tech for Emergency Management

TJ Thomander tj at techchange.org
Thu Aug 23 15:06:35 PDT 2012

Hi LiberationTech Folks,

I wanted to pass along some info about TechChange's upcoming course Tech
Tools and Skills for Emergency
description included below). The course will run from September 3rd - 28th.
We've already got an amazing line-up of guest experts and participants and
we have a few more spots left. Feel free to circulate to your colleagues.

Cheers and hope you have a great weekend.


*TC103: Tech Tools and Skills for Emergency
September 3rd - September 28th

*Course Description*

This four-week online professional development certificate course will
explore how new communication and mapping technologies are being used to
respond to disasters, create early warning mechanisms, improve coordination
efforts and much more. From the earthquake recovery efforts in Haiti and
Japan to the monitoring of election violence in countries like Kenya to the
recent floods in the Philippines, this course will consider a variety of
real world examples from organizations working in the field and analyze
some of the key challenges related to access, implementation, scale, and
verification that working with new technology presents. The course is
designed to assist professionals in developing concrete strategies and
technological skills to work amid this rapidly evolving landscape.

*Course Topics and Featured Tech*

Mapping the Crisis: New Techniques for Disaster Response and Preparedness
Human Rights Violations and Elections Monitoring
The Power of the Crowd: Citizen Journalism in the era of Crowdsourcing
Information Overload: Verification, Analysis, and Decision Making in
Featured Technologies: Ushahidi, FrontlineSMS, Open Street Map, Sahana,
Basic GIS and more!

*Course Objectives*

Participants will be able to…

   - critically analyze both the opportunities and the pitfalls that emerge
   when working with technology to respond to crises
   - connect relevant development, humanitarian and peacebuilding theories
   to the technological strategies and tools discussed in the course
   - manage specific software platforms and utilize various technological
   tools for responding to and managing crisis
   - design dynamic and effective strategies for using technology platforms
   and tools to respond to social challenges

*Guest Experts*

   - John Etherton, Co-Founder, iLab Liberia
   - Neil Laslett, Senior Officer, Technical Innovation, American Red Cross


   - $495 if application and payment is submitted before August 28
   - $595 if application and payment is submitted before September 3

Apply Now <http://techchange.org/application>

TJ Thomander
Director of Communications | TechChange
TJ at TechChange.org | 650.814.9287
Tw: @TechChange | @thomandini
Sk: tthomander
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