[liberationtech] Fwd: Green Energy Hackathon

Sam King samking at cs.stanford.edu
Fri Apr 27 01:49:30 PDT 2012

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Deep Sahni <deepsahni at gmail.com>
Date: Wed, Apr 25, 2012 at 3:24 PM

We had a great hackathon last weekend at Stanford. The CTO from the White
House showed up and spent 2.5 hours with the students!

We would like to invite the Code the Change group and it's members to our
hackathon at UC Berkeley this weekend (4/28-4/29) on Energy Tech meets Info
Tech. We have nearly $2500 in prizes and students can apply to compete as
well in the Dept of Energy "Apps for Energy" Challenge which is offering
$22,500 in prizes specifically for students!!  Food and beverages will be
provided for this 24 hour hackathon.

There will be bus transportation from Stanford to Berkeley and back. Bus
leaves Stanford at 4:30pm this Saturday 4/28.

The sign up page is

More info is available on

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