[liberationtech] Tor as Onion browser on iPhone/iPad

Rohan Dixit rohandixit86 at gmail.com
Thu Apr 26 21:41:39 PDT 2012

Saw this article on TechCrunch today:


 If, for whatever reason, you need to cover your tracks while you are
> browsing the web on your desktop, you have plenty of options to keep
> anonymous. Thanks to Orbot<https://www.torproject.org/docs/android.html.en>,
> Android users, too, have the option to use the Tor network<https://www.torproject.org/> to
> anonymize their web browsing sessions and avoid being monitored. Now,
> thanks to Onion Browser <http://v3.mike.tig.as/onionbrowser/>($0.99),
> iPhone and iPad users also finally get an easy option to tunnel their web
> traffic through theTor network <https://www.torproject.org/>.
Does anyone have a link to a review of the potential advantages and/or
disadvantages to using the Onion browser app on iOS?

I also believe I read that the author of the app now in the Apple App store
planned to donate 10% of his profits to the Tor foundation, although that
might be hearsay.


Rohan Dixit
rohandixit86 at gmail.com
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