[liberationtech] BayCHI 4/10 Designing a More Equitable Internet, Tapan Parikh, UC Berkeley

Terry Winograd winograd at cs.stanford.edu
Sun Apr 8 13:57:05 PDT 2012

                             B a y C H I

                The San Francisco Bay Area ACM SIGCHI
         Special Interest Group on Computer-Human Interaction
                announces its monthly program meeting:

                          Tuesday, April 10
                            7:00-9:30 p.m.

                            7:00-7:30 p.m.
             Tea, Coffee, Socializing, Joining BayCHI ...

                            7:30-9:30 p.m.
                 Designing a More Equitable Internet
                      Tapan Parikh, UC Berkeley
                   PARC's George E. Pake Auditorium
                3333 Coyote Hill Road, Palo Alto 94304

BayCHI program meetings are free and open to the public.  BayCHI may
publish audio or visual recordings.  BayCHI does not permit recording or
photography by attendees.

ABSTRACT OF Designing a More Equitable Internet

Tapan will explore the design of cheap, "low-fidelity" ways for new
populations to easily and cheaply author content, the importance of
"bottom-up" data for planning and evaluating development projects, and
how to bridge the gaps between the two by interleaving automated and
human-driven steps.

TAPAN PARIKH is an assistant professor at the School of Information at
UC Berkeley.  His research includes HCI, mobile computing, paper and
voice UIs, and information systems for microfinance, smallholder
agriculture, global health, and education.

Complete abstract and bio: http://www.baychi.org/program/

Directions: http://www.baychi.org/program/directions/

BayCHI encourages members to use the BayCHI Discussions email list to
arrange carpools with one another.  To subscribe, see:


BayCHI only facilitates arranging shared rides.  The actual negotiations
are among the members.


 2) Dinner Information

BayCHI's dinner before each monthly meeting is a great opportunity to
get together with new people or your BayCHI friends.  The evening's
speakers often attend.  The dinner begins at 5:30 p.m. and ends in time
for the meeting at 7:30 p.m.


This month, the dinner will be at:

Anatolian Kitchen
2323 Birch St
Palo Alto, CA 94306
(650) 853-9700


We'll meet at 5:30 p.m. sharp.  Plan to pay in CASH.

RSVP to Peter Trudelle at ptrudelle at baychi.org (preferred) or
(831) 704-6880 by noon the day of the meeting, April 10.

Payment: Please plan to bring enough cash to cover your meal plus 25%
for tax and tip.  This restaurant does not accept checks.  If for any
reason you must use your checkbook, find a fellow diner with extra cash
to cover you and write him or her a check.  Credit cards are not an
option.  The magic words are "cash" and "please."  Thanks for your


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