[liberationtech] Request for membership input-mobile surveillance/spoofing tracking MX. - Pre-privacy Commissioners' submittal

Lisa Brownlee lmbscholarly2 at gmail.com
Wed Apr 4 17:40:00 PDT 2012

Wishing membership input on the attached, esp. re. mobile

Apologies for typo/formatting problems; I have been dealing with MX power
outages all day.

Planned publications: BNA next week, Human Rights Commission press
conference to follow Thursday.

Further input Federales MX planned Monday/Tuesday. Televisa and other human
rights reporters meetings/e-mails planned for next week.
Tech input esp. appreciated.

Pls forward ASAP.  Any/all input appreciated.

Thank you all for your support/help.

Kindly confirm receipt.



Lisa M. Brownlee, Esq.
Skype:  lisa.m.brownlee
lmbscholarly2 at gmail.com
lmbcontacts at yahoo.com
Author's website at West Thomson
About my Law Journal Press
Facebook: Lisa M

Author of:

Intellectual Property Due Diligence in Corporate Transactions: Investment,
Risk Assessment and Management (West Thomson Reuters)

Assets & Finance: Audits and Valuation of Intellectual Property (West
Thomson Reuters)

Federal Acquisition Regulations: Intellectual Property and Related Rights
(Law Journal Press)
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