[liberationtech] The Revolutions Were Tweeted: Information Flows during the Tunisian and Egyptian Revolutions
gilad lotan
giladlotan at gmail.com
Mon Sep 19 11:58:17 PDT 2011
Finally our IJOC paper is online. In January, a group of us started examining the information flows surrounding the Arab Spring (and the 2011 Tunisian and Egyptian uprisings in particular). Out of this project came a co-authored paper with Erhardt Graeff, Mike Ananny, Devin Gaffney, Ian Pearce and danah boyd. We coded users into actor types, and classified information flows across both Tunisia and Egypt datasets. We also built a series of visualizations which are now all available for public consumption.
We'd love your feedback: http://www.danah.org/projects/IJOC-ArabSpring/
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