[liberationtech] InTheClear early beta testers needed

Katrin Verclas katrin at mobileactive.org
Mon Sep 19 09:36:15 PDT 2011

Hi, Libtechers - 

We are looking for beta testers for InTheClear, an emergency mobile app for activists and journalists. 

InTheClear is designed to keep users safer in difficult situations by using a phone's built-in tools.  It has two main features: 

Emergency SMS and Data Wipe. Together, these features let a user quickly and easily wipe sensitive mobile data while alerting others of their location and situation. We encourage you to learn more about what InTheClear DOES and DOES NOT do at our wiki page (https://lab.safermobile.org/wiki/InTheClear).

* Disclaimer 
Before you continue, BE WARNED!! - InTheClear software is currently in an early beta release state. It is very likely to have bugs, and we're hoping you can help us find and squash them!

* Compatibility *
We have designed InTheClear for the widest compatibility possible, and we have performed extensive testing through development on the following platforms:
   Nokia Series 40
   Nokia Series 60
   BlackBerry 6.0
   Android 2.0+

* Download Link *
If you've read through all of the above and are interested in helping us test InTheClear, please visit https://safermobile.org/intheclear on your mobile browser and choose the appropriate platform to download. Keep in mind that you'll need to enable installation of non-market applications for the install to work.

* Bug Reporting *
If you run into any bugs or issues when installing or using InTheClear, you can report them in any number of ways:
	1. send a bug report to support at safermobile.org
	2. reply to this thread on either the -dev or -alpha lists
	3. file your own issue on our public github issues list at: https://github.com/safermobile/intheclear/issues

* Source Code *
InTheClear is an open source software tool. If you're interested in contributing or building locally, the project source code is available at: https://github.com/SaferMobile/InTheClear

Thanks for your support!


Katrin Verclas
katrin at mobileactive.org

skype/twitter: katrinskaya
(347) 281-7191

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