[liberationtech] PDC 2012 second call

Douglas Schuler douglas at publicsphereproject.org
Thu Oct 20 11:55:20 PDT 2011


PDC 2012 call for participation

Join us in Roskilde, Denmark in 2012 to celebrate the 12th  
Participatory Design Conference (PDC).


  Important dates

January 15, 2012, 11 pm PDT (Pacific Daylight Time): Submission of  
title and abstract (used to match reviewers)

  February 3 2012, 11 pm PDT : Submission deadline all categories (NOT  
to be extended)

  May 1, 2012: Notification to authors

  June 1, 2012: Submission of final version

  August 12-16, 2012: Conference in Roskilde DK

PDC 2012 conference theme:  Embracing New Territories of Participation

With firm roots in the original Participatory Design focus on  
involving people in the introduction of technology into their work,  
the theme of the next PDC conference invites us to explore traditional  
fields of participatory design as well as emerging areas, field,  
arenas and forms of participation.

Skilled workers are still participating in design processes aiming at  
developing tools for quality of working life, but designing for  
everyday life poses new challenges for the way participation is  
practiced and understood. Today we are designing engaging experiences  
not only through participation but also for participation.

New ‘Do-It-Yourself’ technologies change the way we perceive the end- 
user in the design process and the availability of open source  
software and hardware tools kits such as electronics prototyping  
platform enable people to produce their own applications, and thereby  
extend the design process into use. What we used to understand as end- 
users become designers hereby dissolving the boundaries between use  
and designing, and challenges our general understanding of users as  
participants in the design process

By deliberately embracing new territories we invite you not only to  
explore traditional fields of participatory design but also address  
what participation could offer in the broad and expanding design  

Submission categories

Research papers: (full paper – maximum 10 pages) Research papers  
should report on research, which furthers advances Participatory  
Design. Research papers will be published in the ACM International  
Conference series. Each submitted paper will be double blind reviewed  
by at least 3 reviewers. Please make sure submissions are anonymous.  
Accepted papers should be revised according to the review reports and  
the language should be checked by a native English speaker.

Exploratory papers: (short paper – maximum 4 pages) Exploratory papers  
should present ideas that could benefit from discussion with members  
of the Participatory Design community. These papers may include work- 
in-progress, experiences of reflective practitioners, and first drafts  
of novel approaches or theoretical reflections. Each submitted paper  
will be double blind reviewed by at least 3 reviewers. Please make  
sure submissions are anonymous.

Interactive workshops: (maximum 2 pages) The workshop proposal should  
describe half day or full day sessions on topics that include methods,  
practices, and other areas of interest and that support an interactive  
format where active participation beyond presentation is solicited.  
The proposal must justify the need for the workshop and should contain  
a title, goals, technique, relevance to Participatory Design and a  
schedule. Intended participants and how they will be recruited should  
also be described.

Industry Cases: (2-4 page case description) Industry Cases should  
report on the use of participatory design (PD) methods, tools, and/or  
practices within commercial, non-profit, or governmental  
organizations.  Cases should highlight the benefits, challenges, and  
outcomes from the application of PD and should provide concrete  
lessons for others who are interested in applying PD in their  
organizations. Each submitted case will be double blind reviewed by at  
least 3 reviewers. Please make sure submissions are anonymous.

Organization Committee

General chair

Jesper Simonsen, Roskilde University, Denmark

Program chair

Kim Halskov, Aarhus University, Denmark

Yanki Lee, Royal College of Art, London, GB

Heike Winschiers-Theophilus, Windhoek, Polytechnic of Namibia

Exploratory paper co-chairs

Ole Sejer Iversen, Aarhus University, Denmark

Monika Büscher, Lancaster University, GB

Workshop co-chairs

Eva Brandt, The Danish Design School, Copenhagen, Denmark

Tuuli Mattalmäki, University of Art and Design, Helsinki, Finland

Industry cases co-chairs

Thomas Binder, The Danish Design School, Copenhagen, Denmark

Jeanette Blomberg, IBM Almaden Research Center, US

Publication chair

Keld Bødker, Roskilde University, Denmark

For more information, please visit www.pdc2012.org

Thank you!

Kim Halskov
Aarhus University

Douglas Schuler
douglas at publicsphereproject.org

What  Kind of an Activist Are YOU? Play Activist Mirror and find out!

Public Sphere Project

Liberating Voices!  A Pattern Language for Communication Revolution  

Liberating Voices!  A Pattern Language for Communication Revolution  

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