[liberationtech] Seminar on Digital Policy: Connectivity, Creativity and Rights (UK)

Yosem Companys companys at stanford.edu
Sun Oct 9 22:11:54 PDT 2011

I am a keen follower of the activities of Liberation Tech I am putting

togther a research council funded seminar (see outline below) would
you or any of your colleagues be interested in particpating? We are
considering setting up Skype if you wishes to contribute that way
rather than physically travelling to the UK.  The seminar is to be
held at university of Leicester on the 18th November 2011.  Woudl you
be willingt circulate this message amongst colleagues? If you are able
to travel then we are able to cover travel to London and to Leicester
and some overnight accommodation.  Please do direct any question and
queries to myself.

ESRC Research Seminar Series (RES-451-26-0849) 2011-13
Digital Policy: Connectivity, Creativity and Rights

This seminar explores different understandings and roles of digital
literacy and issues of online self-regulation. It works against the
background of shifts towards individualization in the digital economy
and the implications for policy. It approaches policy in the broad
sense recognizing the role of varied stakeholders including
nongovernmental actors and organizations and the importance of
informal as well as formal processes. It considers the nature of
online technologies and access and their fast changing nature and the
impacts on regulatory environments, and specific contexts within which
regulation can and should take place.

The seminar will address a range of issues related to digital literacy
– what it is, where it should be developed, who should be responsible
for it and how, what kinds of organizations and processes are relevant
to it now, and what kinds of developments should there be in the
future? Other questions will include: what does online safety mean and
what are its key components; is there too much emphasis on technical
rather than informational literacy; how do market drivers affect
self-regulation; what are the generational issues that need to be
addressed? The seminar will examine the nature of self-regulation
online including in relation to the broader regulatory environment and
other actors engaged with it.

Best wishes

Dr Tracy Simmons
University of Leicester
Dept. Media and Communication
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