[liberationtech] Fwd: What Google and Facebook are hiding

Douglas Schuler douglas at publicsphereproject.org
Mon May 16 10:27:00 PDT 2011

I don't know anything about this but it's of course extremely relevant  
for this list.  I'll be checking this out but I'd also like to know  
what others think about it.  (And, what if anything, can be done!)


--- Doug

PS. I  only heard a glimpse of a story about FB paying a PR firm to  
surreptitiously diss Google.  That's kind of funky.

Begin forwarded message:

> From: "Daniel Mintz, MoveOn.org Civic Action" <moveon-help at list.moveon.org 
> >
> Date: May 16, 2011 10:12:54 AM PDT
> To: "Doug Schuler" <douglas at publicsphereproject.org>
> Subject: What Google and Facebook are hiding
> Dear MoveOn member,
> MoveOn wouldn't be possible without the open Internet. But according  
> to our own Eli Pariser, the Internet itself is changing. His book on  
> the topic, The Filter Bubble, comes out this week (you can check it  
> out here).
> In March, the TED conference invited him to preview the argument.  
> When I talked to Eli beforehand, he was really nervous—in the  
> audience were top executives from Google, Facebook, Microsoft, and a  
> number of other companies he critiques. But his call for an open,  
> ethical Internet—he actually called out the Google founders and Bill  
> Gates in the audience by name—got a standing ovation. And it's been  
> burning up the TED website ever since.
> We're sharing it today because we think it's a really important  
> point. Increasingly, the Internet is hiding things from us, and we  
> don't even know it. Take a moment to watch Eli's TED talk today:
> Click here to see the talk
> The Filter Bubble, Eli's book, has been getting good reviews, too.  
> Here's a particularly good one from author and 350.org organizer  
> Bill McKibben:
> "You spend half your life in Internet space, but trust me—you don't  
> understand how it works. Eli Pariser's book is a masterpiece of both  
> investigation and interpretation; he exposes the way we're sent down  
> particular information tunnels, and he explains how we might once  
> again find ourselves in a broad public square of ideas. This  
> couldn't be a more interesting book; it casts an illuminating light  
> on so many of our daily encounters."
> If you're interested in the book, you can check it out by clicking  
> on the image to the left or this link—all of Eli's profits from this  
> email will go to MoveOn.org Civic Action.
> It's not a given that the Internet will remain fertile ground for  
> democracy. We need to make sure it does, and Eli's argument is an  
> important part of that fight.
> Thanks for all you do.
> –Daniel and the MoveOn.org Civic Action Team
> Subscription Management:
> This is a message from MoveOn.org Civic Action. To change your email  
> address or update your contact info, please visit:
> http://moveon.org/subscrip/coa.html?id=27429-14507613-QOnjJPx
> To remove yourself (Doug Schuler) from this list, please visit our  
> subscription management page at:
> http://moveon.org/s?i=27429-14507613-QOnjJPx

Douglas Schuler
douglas at publicsphereproject.org

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