[liberationtech] Interesting NSF Job Opportunity

Yosem Companys companys at stanford.edu
Wed May 11 17:11:59 PDT 2011

The Division of Social and Economic Sciences at the National Science
Foundation is advertising a new position related to a number of
foundation wide initiatives involving cybersecurity and wireless
technology.  We are looking for a candidate who can help in these
initiatives as well as serving as a program officer in either the
Political Science or Sociology Programs.  The position is a rotating
position, which could last as little as one year or as much as three
years.  We are especially interested in scholars who have research
expertise in one or more of the following areas:

Cybersecurity: e.g. economic incentives for individuals and firms to
engage in cybersecurity; behavioral, political or social factors which
might affect organizations' or individuals' online security behavior;
organizational factors that might serve to align the incentives of the
individual with the incentives of organizations or of broader society.

Wireless technologies: e.g. political and economic issues in the
allocation of wireless spectra; social, economic and behavioral issues
in how wireless access or use is distributed across individuals or
social systems; how wireless technologies affect the lives of
individuals or the broader society.

Nanotechnology: e.g. societal impacts of nanotechnologies, including
potential social and economic effects, questions of equity and fairness
or anticipatory governance; application of lessons learned from
nanotechnology to other emerging technologies.

Cyberinfrastructure: e.g. computationally intensive analysis and
modeling; software development for analysis or modeling; creative uses
of cyberinfrastructure to facilitate research in the social sciences.

Other topics: e.g. online interfaces to access large datasets; online
behaviors such as social networking, economic exchange, or political
access; the use of technology to facilitate political or social

A more detailed description of the position can be found at :

While the advertisement does not close until the end of July, we have
been given permission to start interviewing in early June and make an
offer at that time.  As such, for full consideration, I would encourage
you to submit your application as soon as possible.

If you have questions, feel free to contact me at either bhumes at nsf.gov
or at 703.292.7284.



Brian D. Humes, Ph.D.

Program Officer

Political Science Program

National Science Foundation


bhumes at nsf.gov

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