[liberationtech] Suggestions for a course

Douglas Schuler douglas at publicsphereproject.org
Mon Mar 21 11:04:45 PDT 2011

Possibly useful for your course...

While this book (my 1996 Addison-Wesley book New Community Networks)  
doesn't focus on the older technologies it does discuss them to some  
degree. To recommend it for your  consideration I'd say that I was not  
trying to say that the Internet was intrinsically wonderful or evil  
(as many other writings seemed to be) but that there was an  
opportunity to help shape it in something that supported human values  
and that that opportunity was likely to be time sensitive.

The book is online at http://www.publicsphereproject.org/ncn/ in a  
particularly dated and somewhat embarrassing form.

-- Doug 

On Mar 9, 2011, at 3:15 PM, S Vivek wrote:

> Hello all,
> I recently joined Stanford University and I will be teaching a  
> course with Prof. Larry Diamond here shortly.  My course is entitled  
> "Internet, public action and development" and I will be dealing with  
> a variety of ways in which the Net can potentially enable/curtail/ 
> influence public action.  In order to put things in perspective, I  
> wish to provide students with interesting news articles on radio,  
> telephone an other communication technologies at a time they were  
> being developed.  The idea is to reflect today's themes such as the  
> internet being open, various forms of struggle to control  
> communication systems, etc.  I wanted to ask you all if there are  
> pieces that you found striking that I should recommend to my  
> students.  It would be a great pedagogical tool, and I would  
> appreciate any suggestions that you may have.
> Thank you,
> Warm regards
> S Vivek
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Public Sphere Project

Liberating Voices!  A Pattern Language for Communication Revolution  

Liberating Voices!  A Pattern Language for Communication Revolution  

Douglas Schuler
douglas at publicsphereproject.org

Public Sphere Project

Liberating Voices!  A Pattern Language for Communication Revolution  

Liberating Voices!  A Pattern Language for Communication Revolution  

Douglas Schuler
douglas at publicsphereproject.org

Public Sphere Project

Liberating Voices!  A Pattern Language for Communication Revolution  

Liberating Voices!  A Pattern Language for Communication Revolution  

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