[liberationtech] WikiLeaks: Why it Matters. Why it Doesn’t?

Yosem Companys companys at stanford.edu
Fri Jan 14 23:58:55 PST 2011


Wednesday, January 19, 2011

WikiLeaks: Why it Matters. Why it Doesn’t?

Daniel Ellsberg, Former State and Defense Dept. Official prosecuted for
releasing the Pentagon Papers
Clay Shirky, Independent Internet Professional; Adjunct Professor,
Interactive Telecommunications Program, New York University
Neville Roy Singham, Founder and Chairman, ThoughtWorks
Peter Thiel, President, Clarium Capital; Managing Partner, Founder's Fund
Jonathan Zittrain, Professor of Law and Professor of Computer Science,
Harvard University; Co-founder, Berkman Center for Internet & Society

Paul Jay, CEO and Senior Editor, The Real News Network

A panel of leading thinkers explores WikiLeaks and its implications for
access to information, security, first amendment rights, innovation, and

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- Buffet dinner: 6:15 PM*     - Registration: 5:30 PM
- Program: 7:00 PM

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