[liberationtech] BREAKING NEWS: China activists start Jasmine revolution

Yosem Companys companys at stanford.edu
Sun Feb 20 00:52:01 PST 2011

I should also note that these things seem to work better when home grown,
not when the Diaspora initiates the call.

On Sun, Feb 20, 2011 at 12:48 AM, Yosem Companys <companys at stanford.edu>wrote:

> Here's what I've learned.  It seems the Chinese Diaspora started it.  The
> China censors had blocked the word Egypt, so they began sharing the word
> jasmine and setting times for protest.  But they came out in 13 cities, some
> did better than others.  But in each one police vans arrived and picked up
> people and took them away.  There were 100 in Beijing at a McDonald's.
>  There were people going to universities, but the police prevented them from
> getting together.  They were all wearing flowers, which made it easier for
> the police to identify them.  Some people were arrested at their homes
> before they could drive to protests.  In short, it seems not to have worked.
>  Lesson seems to be that successful democracy movements are able to build
> critical mass (Tunisia, Egypt, Libya & Bahrain -- to some extent),
> unsuccessful ones are stopped before they can build critical mass (Algeria,
> Syria & China).
> On Sat, Feb 19, 2011 at 11:57 PM, Terry Winograd <winograd at cs.stanford.edu
> > wrote:
>> BEIJING — Authorities rounded up dozens of dissidents and cracked down
>> on calls for a "Jasmine Revolution," which urged demonstrations in
>> more than a dozen Chinese cities Sunday apparently modeled after the
>> wave of pro-democracy protests sweeping the Middle East.
>> The source of the call was not known and many activists seemed not to
>> know what to make of it, even as they spread the word. They said they
>> were unaware of any known group being involved in the request for
>> citizens to gather in 13 cities and shout, "We want food, we want
>> work, we want housing, we want fairness."
>> more....
>> http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/41678825/ns/world_news-asiapacific/
>> On Sat, Feb 19, 2011 at 11:50 PM, Yosem Companys <companys at stanford.edu>
>> wrote:
>> > Protests in 13 cities, over 100 in McDonald's in Beijing, police
>> cracking
>> > down.
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