[liberationtech] Funding for the tech response in Bahrain, Libya etc

Brett Solomon brett at accessnow.org
Sat Feb 19 15:35:47 PST 2011

Hey there,

We are in contact with some non-government funding bodies that would be
interested in immediately funding technology and communications initiatives
to assist the popular wave of protests respond to the ensuing violent
crackdown in Bahrain, Libya etc. Without going into details, there is a
considerable amount of funds to disperse - which can be done now and with
limited amounts of paperwork - including towards human, hardware or software
solutions. Circumvention, digital security, citizen media, and internet
shutdown response are some of the areas to put forward. Local initiatives,
international interventions, (secure) innovative ideas and proven concepts
will be considered. Email me separately or post worthwhile ideas on this

Brett Solomon

PS If you haven't signed Access's global *Stop the Internet Kill
Switch*campaign - do
it! <https://www.accessnow.org/page/s/stop-the-switch>

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