[liberationtech] Lib-tech list Intro, Information Theoretic Democracy...
Peter Lindener
lindener.peter at gmail.com
Sat Feb 19 12:10:58 PST 2011
Liberation_Techys -
Thanks for including me on this list of forward thinking people, who
have an interest in better understanding the Internet's potential for
profound Socio-Political transformation. I am join this list as a Social
Decision Systems theorist, who has spent the last ten years of his life
looking at
how Information Theoretic Democracy will profoundly improve our government's
responsiveness to head the true will of the electorate. Applying
Information as well as Game Theory to the formulation of the information
process that evaluates a society's most equable sense of a consensus, over
wide open crowed source innovated ranked choice spaces, in order to distill
of the best ideas and thinking that society as a whole has to offer.....
This kind of approach promises some sense of greater hope for a more
truly democratic group decision process.
You can find an initial introduction to the beginning our work in this
field here <http://www.votingmatters.org.uk/ISSUE27/I27P1.pdf>, in the
Journal Voting Matters <http://www.votingmatters.org.uk/>
It was a very real privilege to have co-authored the above paper along
with Joesph
Durham <http://motion.mee.ucsb.edu/%7Ejoey/website/voting_theory.html>,
There is more thinking still to share as reflected in this additional work
we did together that still remains in working
I would cherish you groups communication skills, in helping to further
convey the hope that Information Theoretic Democracy is likely to bring to
the revival of our world's society having faith in a truly democratic group
decision process.
Others are also working to convey this sea change of what the internet
will bring for the improvement of more genuine forms of
democracy..... Of particular note is this paper on proxy based
representation <http://www.econ.ucsb.edu/%7Earmytage/proxy2010.pdf> written
by James Green-Armytage <http://www.econ.ucsb.edu/%7Earmytage/>. (see sound
byte copy below)
I look forward to sharing more of this work with Stanford's
[Liberation-Technology] interested community of visionaries.
All the best
-Peter Lindener
----- Note writing on currently pertinent issue bellow ----
Given the very real possibility that* Information Theoretic
Democracy*could provide a more eloquent resolution of the America's
current occupation
of Afghanistan, I write urging you to take a close look at what is being
proposed here.... If this ends up surviving deeper scrutiny, I would
encourage your group to* *bring this thinking to* General David Petraeus
attention*, such that it could be studied more thoroughly in terms of an
exit strategy from our nations conflict zones.
How we can
*Conflict of Interest*
What if:... you enjoyed personal friendships with everyone
who represents your interests in government,...
...AND: You could *remove any of them* from their role,
and replace them with anyone else you individually would prefer,
any time, at will, with just a few clicks of a mouse?
Further more: Your right to make such adjustments, towards your own better
representation in government, at ANY time of your choosing, were protected
under constitutional law?
the case for:
Social Network based,
personal issue by issue, dynamic proxy based representation
in support of a truly democratic group decision process.
This Social Decision system based approach for greater world harmony as well
as graceful exit from conflict, enabled by the Internet's potential support
of Information Theoretically optimal, truly Democratic Group decision
process, would possess the following advantages over current (corruption
temping) governance paradigms.
- Fully decentralized, no single points of failure, with respect to
persons in power, or running for office, Polling time's and places etc. (
Terrorists can not destabilize the governmental decision process, by
assassinating or intimidating individuals ).
- Governance policy based truly democratic group decision system would
keep the socio-political decision process focused directly on issues of real
substance and meaning. Such a system will tend to operate effectively beyond
issues of power balance, instead facilitating the group decision process
directly on the underlying issues..
- Wide open Ranked Choice Space, ( free from any degradation due to
third+ candidate spoiler effect ) when applied directly to issues of
governmental policy ( as opposed to personality ), this will permit the
electorate to choose the alternative the whole group as a whole would most
congenially prefer. ( Based on a more advanced, Information Theoretic
formulation of Condorcet's assertion for the Groups most preferred of
alternatives )
- Social Choice Mathematics Historian Ian McLean at Oxford has suggested
that the concept of Pair-wise differential analysis, suggested by LLull, in
the 13th century, and then more fully developed by Condorcet in 1785, may
have its origins in the Arabic Mathematics literature.. as Llull was fluent
in Arabic as well as enjoying access to the rich Arabic library of that
time period. It would seem that cultural pride would leave many in the
Arabic world open to the idea that Information Theoretic Democracy. A
concept rising from there own cultures interest in the best form mathematics
for a Ranked Choice Voting system.
It is my personal position that Information Theoretic Democracy can
leave us with a bright new day for Egypt as well as Afghanistan as well as
Iraq. My hope is that others will also see the potential of this dream. For
those wishing for more formal, presentation of recent Information Theoretic
Social Decision system developments you can find this co-authored paper I
helped write <http://www.votingmatters.org.uk/ISSUE27/I27P1.pdf> in the
Journal Voting Matters <http://www.votingmatters.org.uk/>. As well as this
paper on proxy based
byJames Green-Armytage<http://www.econ.ucsb.edu/%7Earmytage/>
There is more good news to follow,... as the final challenge in Social
Choice mathematics, The most congenial resolution of any Coinciding Cyclical
Majorities, under Condorcet's pairwise differential ranked choice analysis
has recently been shown to possess an optimally based resolution . This
choice ranking challenge encountered in the formal mathematics of social
consensus aggregation can be best resolved by fully taking into account each
voters individual preference priorities, The result intuitive as it ends up
seeming in hind sight, is based on the foundation that a group's priorities
as a whole can be most robustly deduced in terms of the median of all voters
individual voting priorities confined within each pairwise differential
ranking decision.
I look forward answering any further questions you might have.
Sincerely Yours
-Peter Lindener
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