[liberationtech] NYT: Eben Moglen Is Reshaping Internet

Adam Fisk adamfisk at gmail.com
Thu Feb 17 13:32:12 PST 2011

Love the approach, Eben -- definitely the right direction. I looked at
SheevaPlug with a group in New Zealand a couple months back, and came
away fairly impressed. Usability is even more vital here than usual --
needs to be Apple-esque and run the first time with minimal config.

I'd also suggest modularizing this as much as possible into separate
open source projects. If it's monolithic, you'll limit outside
contributions and also make it less relevant since components won't
get used outside of FB. I'd guess this should be four for five
separate projects under the FB umbrella, but I'm sure you're already
thinking along those lines.



On Thu, Feb 17, 2011 at 7:20 AM, jon at rejon.org <jon at rejon.org> wrote:
> On Thu, Feb 17, 2011 at 5:11 AM, Paul Walker <paul at blacksun.org.uk> wrote:
>> On Wed, Feb 16, 2011 at 08:10:41PM -0500, Eben Moglen wrote:
>>> hostile conditions, which include under-capable hardware.  I would be
>>> interested if you know of any USB strong random generating devices (USB
>>> geiger counter, anyone?).  We should spec one and get some factory in
>> How about the Entropy Key, found at http://www.entropykey.co.uk/ ?
>> Disclaimer - I know a couple of the people who worked on it. That aside it
>> still seems a sound architecture though, and I'm sure they'd be willing to
>> talk to you if you'd like.
>> --
>> Paul
> The Cryptostick is from Free Software advocates also dedicated to
> moving hardware to being copyleft.
> http://www.privacyfoundation.de/crypto_stick/
> This is important esp. since the distinction between hardware and
> software is vanishing now. One cannot consider a freedombox or plug
> without considering the goal to have the software used to make and
> used to burn the chips, be copyleft: http://qi-hardware.com
> Cheers
> Jon (new to the list :) Thanks to Simon Phipps for pointing out the list :)
> --
> Jon Phillips
> http://rejon.org/ | http://fabricatorz.com/
> chat/skype: kidproto | irc: rejon
> +1.415.830.3884 (global) | +1-510-499-0894 (sf)
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Adam Fisk
http://www.littleshoot.org | http://adamfisk.wordpress.com |

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