[liberationtech] Twitter has released the source code to TextSecure under the GPL

Ale Fernandez skoria at gmail.com
Wed Dec 21 05:50:12 PST 2011

Hi Marc,

On 21/12/11 13:41, "Marc Manthey (macbroadcast )" wrote:
> hello,
> there is a "decentral " twitter a-alike around for years and its called
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Identi.ca

Identi.ca is great in that it's open source, and uses open protocols 
like OpenMicroBlogging and XMPP - so anyone can make a service based on 
this code, or add identi.ca support to client code. But it's a client 
server setup - a central server recieves and processes the messages. You 
can also set up lots of servers, and maybe federate them together 
somehow, but it's still client/server based, not p2p. So yes it's more 
decentralised than twitter, but tahrir is a bit further along the way.

> What are the benefits of tahir ? using java isnt really an advantage or ?

It's encrypted, anonymous, and p2p based. More detail here: 

The benefits of tahrir over services like identi.ca would be that it 
avoids being shut down or censored in the way that twitter or identi.ca 
could be - or simply from problems on the server end - as identi.ca is 
suffering from now! http://status.net/2011/12/20/identi-ca-down

Also it's hard for prying governments and groups to find out who you are 
if you want to conceal your identity.

Tahrir is more like freenet - but for short bursts of text that degrade 
in utility as they get older, rather than for larger slightly more 
permanent data as freenet does now. As for using Java, I did initially 
think Tahrir was going to be rewritten in Swarm ( 
)- I asked Ian if that was why he'd not been updating the code so much 
recently. But no, I'm not sure why he picked Java other than that he 
knows the language well.

Hope that helps!


> regards
> Marc
> On Dec 21, 2011, at 10:55 AM, Ale Fernandez wrote:
>> https://groups.google.com/forum/?pli=1#!topic/tahrir-development/qtKgRI1WHY4
>> On 21/12/11 08:05, Nick Merrill wrote:
>>> http://techpresident.com/news/21537/twitter-buys-crypto-tech-then-open-sources-it
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