[liberationtech] Kroes No Disconnect Strategy
Marc Manthey (macbroadcast )
marc at let.de
Mon Dec 12 09:59:22 PST 2011
On Dec 12, 2011, at 6:23 PM, Andre Rebentisch wrote:
> Colleagues,
> today EU-Commissioner Neelie Kroes launched an initiative to help net
> dissidents abroad together with the CSIS.org lobbyist Karl Theodor zu
> Guttenberg, a former German defense minister,
> http://europa.eu/rapid/pressReleasesAction.do?reference=IP/11/1525
> http://ec.europa.eu/avservices/player/streaming.cfm?type=ebsvod&sid=192684
> Media coverage in Germany was pretty strong as the controversial
> former
> minister zu Guttenberg still polarises the public in the aftermath of
> his phd forgery scandal, and his inappropriate late resignation.
hello andre,
I cant believe what i hear and see !!
Thats absolutly hillarious and kind of sarcastic, that Neelie Kroes
choosed a guy whitch just learned what the internet is about.
So she said she believe in his kowledge , what knowledge ?
Its what one of the first questioneers in german was asking about mr
guttenberg " free copy and paste for all" ?
he did not even respond to this question
> CSIS.org funding sources are undisclosed. For this project zu
> Guttenberg
> just receives travel refunds according to the EU spokesperson.
> Officially, according to Kroes spokesperson Ryan Heath CSIS is not
> behind the project, was however listed as his affiliation at the
> European Commission press conference.
Thanks for the investigations, i did not heard about CSIS.org yet.
> We had recently a discussion on accepting funds from defense
> industries,
> I would add that alleged ties may endanger dissidents who use these
> tools.
> --- A
Greetings from germany
-- Les enfants teribbles - research / deployment
Marc Manthey- Vogelsangerstrasse 97
50823 Köln - Germany
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