[liberationtech] Kroes No Disconnect Strategy

ilf ilf at zeromail.org
Mon Dec 12 09:36:19 PST 2011

On 12-12 18:23, Andre Rebentisch wrote:
> Media coverage in Germany was pretty strong as the controversial former 
> minister zu Guttenberg still polarises the public in the aftermath of 
> his phd forgery scandal, and his inappropriate late resignation.

Net activists also critizise him, because he has voted for the (since 
ruled unconstitutional) data retention law and as minister of economy he 
instoduced a (since revoked) law introducing access blocking against 
child abuse images.

At the press conference today, both he and Nalie Kroes repeated, that 
access blocking in democratic countries cannot be compared to the one in 
authoritarian regimes and might be ok for stuff like child abuse images. 
"no disconnect" my ass.

They should have talked *to* activists instead of *about* them.


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		-- Eine Initiative des Bundesamtes für Tastaturbenutzung
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