[liberationtech] Carrier IQ

Andre Rebentisch arebentisch at lxdesystems.com
Tue Dec 6 02:08:00 PST 2011

Interesting interview, casts quite a bit valium over this scandal.

"Founded in 2005, Carrier IQ provides remote tracking data to cellular
network operators including AT&T, Sprint and T-Mobile, and its software
has been loaded on over 141 million phones, primarily in the United
States. You’d expect a cellular operator to have access to your phone
number, name, address, and billing information, and even be able to see
your calls and text messages while you’re connected to the network, no?
Well, Carrier IQ takes things a step further..."

"That’s why we sat down face-to-face with Carrier IQ at the company’s
Mountain View offices this weekend, where we had a surprisingly open and
detailed two-hour conversation with VP Andrew Coward about nearly
everything the company does."

-- A

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