[liberationtech] Carrier IQ

Fran Parker lilbambi at gmail.com
Fri Dec 2 07:38:07 PST 2011

Did you all see the video and read this article here from Trevor Eckhart:


The article continues beyond the notations for the video and the site 
has been hit very hard so don't be surprised if you can't get there 
right away. I had to wait about 1/2 hr to get to the site successfully 
due to the /. effect.

It also addresses people's concerns regarding the rootkit claims.


On 12/2/11 4:59 AM, Alec Muffett wrote:
>> They said that it is not in real time (although technically it could be) but depending on the service, they usually get around 200kb of data including 'aggregated key presses' (their words) once a week. More is sent if a call is dropped, or they want to drill down to a specific user etc.
> It's only the matter of aggregation and off-siting the data that
> worries me, and maybe the browser integration and what can happen if
> the history is accessible or shared.
> If anyone wants to see a very similar tool on OSX, open a terminal
> window and type "xev" - requires X-windows - which is a X-window GUI
> event-debugging tool useful for tracking down issues with keymaps,
> etc.
> It'll look very familiar to anyone who's seen the CiQ YouTube videos.
> The difference is that "xev" is not running by default, not running
> 24x7, not unkillable, and not uploading the events it captures to a
> website, in the manner that CiQ apparently is?
> -a
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