[liberationtech] pre-textual IP enforcement internationally?

Moritz Bartl moritz at torservers.net
Mon Apr 18 19:39:42 PDT 2011

On 17.04.2011 00:08, David Rizk wrote:
> My own initial feeling is that DMCA takedown notices have proven to be a
> very tempting tool for abuse in the U.S., and I worry that, as
> repressive regimes become more sophisticated about IP law and Internet
> filtering, abusive or bogus IP enforcement could prove to be an
> attractive alternative to less ambiguous forms of filtering or coercion.

Indeed. DMCA complaints work scarily well even outside US jurisdiction.
We have and had surprisingly much trouble finding ISPs, even in Europe,
that understand and feel well about us taking over responsibility for
DMCA/copyright complaints in regard to our Tor exits.
Softlayer and FDC kicked us from their network after just a few DMCA
notices, even though we are perfectly protected by DMCA §512a (and
similar laws outside USA). It gives me the creeps knowing that you can
take down almost any server by just repeatingly spamming the data
center/ISP with copyright takedown notices.

Moritz Bartl

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