[liberationtech] Iran announces =?utf-8?Q?=E2=80=98halal_Internet=2C=E2=80=99_?=new cyberdefense study programs

Cyrus Farivar cfarivar at gmail.com
Sun Apr 17 01:34:33 PDT 2011

Just wanted to alert you guys to this blog post:


Best from Germany,


Cyrus Farivar
"suh-ROOS FAR-ih-var"

Freelance technology journalist and radio producer

Author, "The Internet of Elsewhere"

DE: +49 163 763 3108 (m)
US: +1 510 394 5485 (m)

Twitter/Skype: cfarivar

"Being a good writer is 3% talent, 97% not being distracted by the Internet."

cfarivar at cfarivar.org

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