[liberationtech] Egyptian government to introduce e-voting system
Pranesh Prakash
pranesh at cis-india.org
Wed Apr 6 16:00:55 PDT 2011
BTW, the paper is dated July 29, 2010. That's the latest version
available on http://indiaevm.org/paper.html as well. (Although one is
14 pages and the other is 25 pages, the only difference seems to be in
- Pranesh
On Thursday 07 April 2011 04:26 AM, Pranesh Prakash wrote:
> Dear Sheila,
> It's a public paper, and it was recently discussed in passing on this
> very list. I also think the conclusion is a bit disingenuous when it
> suggests that paper ballots might actually be better suited to a
> developing country with a large population (while I agree that a paper
> audit trail would improve the system).
> Cheers,
> Pranesh
> On Thursday 07 April 2011 04:22 AM, Sheila Parks wrote:
>> Is this paper from Haldermann a published paper? And can I repost it
>> also, or is it just you, Rebecca that has permission?
>> Also, I cannot find a date on it? Am I not seeing it? Do you know the
>> date?
>> Thx so much
>> Sheila
>> At 05:24 PM 4/6/2011, Rebecca MacKinnon wrote:
>>> Alex Halderman from UMich/Princeton CITP has this to say about that
>>> report (shared with his permission):
>>> "It was recently reported that Egyptian officials have been reaching
>>> out to India's election commission for guidance:
>>> <http://articles.timesofindia.indiatimes.com/2011-04-05/india/29383962_1_iidem-s-y-quraishi-evms>http://articles.timesofindia.indiatimes.com/2011-04-05/india/29383962_1_iidem-s-y-quraishi-evms
>>> I wonder whether they'll adopt similar technology. If they were to
>>> deploy the same kind of machines that India uses, my chief concern
>>> would be their vulnerability to centralized insider fraud.
>>> (See my India EVM paper:
>>> <http://www.cse.umich.edu/%7Ejhalderm/pub/papers/evm-ccs10.pdf>http://www.cse.umich.edu/~jhalderm/pub/papers/evm-ccs10.pdf
>>> )"
>>> Best,
>>> Rebecca
>>> On Wed, Apr 6, 2011 at 3:45 PM, David Jandura
>>> <<mailto:djandura at ifes.org>djandura at ifes.org> wrote:
>>> From <http://www.almasryalyoum.com/en/node/389398>Al-Masry Al Youm:
>>> The Egyptian government is preparing to introduce an electronic voting
>>> system for the upcoming parliamentary elections scheduled for
>>> September. Refaat Qemsan, head of the Interior Ministry's elections
>>> department, said the system will allow eligible citizens to vote by
>>> submitting their national identity card data online.
>>> At a forum held Tuesday in Cairo, Qemsan said current election laws
>>> only concern Egyptians residing in Egypt, adding that most expatriate
>>> Egyptians do not have Egyptian IDs. Qemsan called for including
>>> expatriate Egyptians in any new voting system. Maged Othman, minister
>>> of communications and information technology, said the country is
>>> ready to introduce an electronic system of voting in time for the
>>> parliamentary and presidential elections. However, observers believe
>>> Egyptian elections laws stand in the way of implementing such a system
>>> because they refer to paper voter lists and ballot boxes. Egyptian
>>> political parties and movements have said they would like the
>>> electronic system to first be piloted in club and syndicate elections
>>> before being implemented in national elections.
>>> E-voting can mean both automated machines or internet voting so I'm
>>> not sure what they are proposing here. The expatriate aspect leads me
>>> to believe they mean internet voting, as unbelievable as that sounds.
>>> Has anybody heard any information on this?
>>> Best,
>>> David Jandura | Research Associate| IFES (International Foundation for
>>> Electoral Systems)
>>> 1850 K Street NW, Fifth Floor | Washington, D.C. 20006 | (
>>> <tel:%2B1%20202-350-6742>+1 202-350-6742 | Skype: david.jandura
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>>> IFES promotes democratic stability by providing technical assistance
>>> and applying field-based research to the electoral cycle worldwide to
>>> enhance citizen participation and strengthen civil societies,
>>> governance and transparency.
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>> Sheila Parks, Ed.D.
>> Founder
>> Center for Hand-Counted Paper Ballots
>> Belmont, MA 02478
>> 617-932-1424
>> www.handcountedpaperballots.org
>> sheila at handcountedpaperballots.org
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Pranesh Prakash
Programme Manager
Centre for Internet and Society
W: http://cis-india.org | T: +91 80 40926283
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