[liberationtech] Some non-technical questions about Haystack

Xeni Jardin xeni at xeni.net
Thu Sep 16 16:37:32 PDT 2010

Not that this is where people need to be focusing efforts, but a point of information: 

On Sep 16, 2010, at 4:32 PM, Shazad Mohamed wrote:

> If I recall correctly, organizations that raise less than $25,000 have not been traditionally required to file a 990 with the IRS. 


Actually, that changed very recently. $25K and under still have to file, as of 2010. I am aware because I am on the board of a small US-based non-profit.



Xeni Jardin

Editor and Partner, Boing Boing blog

Host and Executive Producer, Boing Boing Video

voicemail-by-email: 323-843-XENI (9364)

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