[liberationtech] Some non-technical questions about Haystack

Shazad Mohamed shazad at stanford.edu
Thu Sep 16 16:32:37 PDT 2010

If I recall correctly, organizations that raise less than $25,000 have not
been traditionally required to file a 990 with the IRS. Those that raise
between 25-500K can file 990-EZ forms, which is a shortened version of the
990. Regardless, I wouldn't be surprised that you couldn't find a 990 form.
Most organizations that small don't file forms and even if they do the ones
posted online by sites like guidestar.org usually lag behind by a few years.


On Thu, Sep 16, 2010 at 4:23 PM, Jim Youll <jyoull at alum.mit.edu> wrote:

> On Sep 16, 2010, at 4:08 PM, Matt D. Harris wrote:
> > Specifically, I'm curious how much money came in, and where it went.
>  Beyond that, a statement on the 501(c)3 status of the organization might be
> nice - since the website claimed that the organization was in fact a 501(c)3
> charitable non-profit.  Any light that can be shed on these issues by folks
> at the CRC would be much appreciated.
> My recollection is that the website only stated that the 501c3 application
> was underway. Having sat on the board of an organization that went through a
> 501c3 app all the way to approval, it can be tricky, and takes a while not
> only to discuss the argument "for" but to get accounting and operating
> processes in sync with IRS expectations.
> Google cache says:
> > Basic donations are easiest via PayPal & GivingAnon.org or you can mail
> checks or money orders made out to 'Censorship Research Center' to the PO
> Box below. Once the 501c3 is approved by the IRS, you'll be able to make
> tax-deductible donations, but not until that point.
> http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:zWQL4LM5rjsJ:www.haystacknetwork.com/donate/+501c3+haystack&cd=3
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