[liberationtech] [jobs in NYC] Purpose.com

Lee-Sean Huang leesean at post.harvard.edu
Tue Jun 29 11:13:32 PDT 2010

Purpose, a dual bottom line multidisciplinary agency based in NYC, is hiring
a number of tech positions:


Purpose creates 21st century movements. Our multidisciplinary team of
organizers, brand strategists, designers, creative technologists and
business analysts look for ways that movements can help solve major global
problems.  To do this, we work with some of the most exciting players in the
new green and social economy to help them get to scale faster and some of
the world's biggest brands to mobilize their consumers for significant
social impact.

We are also an incubator for movement entrepreneurship. Right now, we're
launching a new organization to lead a ground-breaking transnational gay
rights movement and creating a consumer movement to lay the groundwork for
the transition to electric cars.  We've helped to create significant new
global efforts to fight cancer and eliminate nuclear weapons.

For more info and to apply, please email jobs at purpose.com and mention you
heard it from Lee-Sean on the LiberationTech list.
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