[liberationtech] Fwd: [cs-students-announce] Fwd: Local nonprofit in need of a web designer to manage our site's redesign (paid position)

Leslie Wu lwu135 at gmail.com
Tue Jun 29 10:43:30 PDT 2010

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Sonal Gupta <sonal at cs.stanford.edu>
Date: Mon, Jun 28, 2010 at 6:55 PM
Subject: [cs-students-announce] Fwd: Local nonprofit in need of a web
designer to manage our site's redesign (paid position)
To: cs-students-announce at lists.stanford.edu


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Joan Dorsey <Joan at onemillionlights.org>
Date: Mon, Jun 28, 2010 at 5:30 PM
Subject: Local nonprofit in need of a webdesigner to manage our site's redesign
To: Sonal Gupta <sonal at cs.stanford.edu>

Are you are interested in picking up a website redesign for a startup
nonprofit organization based in Palo Alto?

We are One Million Lights and our work is to distribute solar powered
LED lights to people living without access to electricity in the
developing world. Our lights increase access to education, allow for a
cleaner environment and safer homes, and help families generate and
save more income.

We need someone to manage our redesign at
http://onemillionlights.org.previewdns.com/ (current, live site is
www.onemillionlights.org). We are almost there, but there’s still some
work to do and our team just does not have the bandwidth or expertise
to make it happen.

We’ve got a semi volunteer programmer in Ohio working now, but he
needs guidance and support to finalize the odds and ends – such as
Navigation system workings, secondary page layout, donation page
layout, plus get all the new content up (much of it will be
transferred from the old site, but some will be new content). We need
a user-interface person to help complete the project.

Once the website project is complete and live, we will need help to
create viable campaigns with our Google Adwords Grant, automate our
donation receipts when online users donate via the website, and find
and switch to a better newsletter format.

Please let me know if you are interested! We can compensate you at
about $15 an hour.

Feel free to call or email back with questions or comments.

Joan Y Dorsey
Executive Coordinator
One Million Lights
email: Joan at OneMillionLights.org
skype: JoanDorsey
call: 214 505 9877
fax: 801 788 1420
mail: PO Box 444
Palo Alto, CA 94302

Gandhi walked for freedom.  What are you walking for?

I'm walking for Clean and Safe Light with One Million Lights! Join me
at www.indiacc.org/sevathon

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