[liberationtech] CFP ICTs in Global Development

Yosem Companys ycompanys at gmail.com
Thu Jan 28 13:11:45 PST 2010

Call for Papers
16th Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS 2010), Lima,
Peru, August 12-15, 2010

Track: ICTs in Global Development (sponsored by SIGlobDev)

Track Co-Chairs:
Narcyz Roztocki, State University of New York at New Paltz
(roztockn at newpaltz.edu)
H. Roland Weistroffer, Virginia Commonwealth University (hrweistr at vcu.edu)

NOTE: Authors of best papers in the ICTs in Global Development track
will be invited to submit revised versions for fast-track review and
possible publication in the journal Information Technology for
Development (ITD) – (http://www.itd.ist.unomaha.edu).

Although the majority of the world population lives and works in
developing, emerging, or transitional economies and information and
communication technologies (ICTs) are important drivers for economic
development, the main stream information systems research remains
focused on the issues related to ICTs in developed, mature economies
(Roztocki and Weistroffer 2008). In contrast, published research on
ICTs in developing, emerging, and transitional economies is rather
sparse and fragmented.

Thus, the objective of the ICTs in Global Development track, sponsored
by the Special Interest Group on ICT and Global Development
(SIGGlobDev), is to encourage more research and publication on this
topic. Consequently, this track serves as a forum for research on the
appropriate use and diffusion of ICTs and associated management
practices in the economically developing world by offering nine

ICTs for Developing Countries
Biswadip Ghosh, Metropolitan State College of Denver (bghosh at mscd.edu)

ICT Issues in Emerging and Developing Economies
F. Kofi Andoh-Baidoo, University of Texas, Pan American (andohbaidoof at utpa.edu)
K. Niki Kunene, University of Louisville (niki.kunene at louisville.edu)

Information Technology in Emerging and Transition Economies
Piotr Soja, Cracow University of Economics (eisoja at cyf-kr.edu.pl)
Paulo Rupino da Cunha, University of Coimbra (rupino at dei.uc.pt)

ICTs in Africa and Other Economically Developing
Godwin Udo, University of Texas at El Paso (gudo at utep.edu)
Solomon Negash, Kennesaw State University (snegash at kennesaw.edu)

ICTs in the Greater China Region
Xin (Robert) Luo , The University of New Mexico (luo at mgt.unm.edu),
Yunjie (Calvin) Xu, National University of Singapore (xuyj at comp.nus.edu.sg)
Wei Zhang, The University of Massachusetts Boston (wei.zhang at umb.edu)

ICTs in the Pan-Pacific Region
J. P. Shim, Mississippi State University (jshim at cobilan.msstate.edu)
Xin (Robert) Luo, The University of New Mexico (luo at mgt.unm.edu)

Cross-Organizational and Cross-Border IS/IT Collaboration
Nicholas C. Romano, Jr. Oklahoma State University (nicholas.romano at okstate.edu)
James B. Pick, University of Redlands (james_pick at redlands.edu)

ICTs in Micro & Small Enterprises of Developing Regions
Mehruz Kamal, State University of New York (mkamal at brockport.edu),
Sajda Quresh, University of Nebraska Omaha (squreshi at ist.unomaha.edu)
James Pick, University of Redlands (james_pick at redlands.edu)

Politics of ICT for Development
Antonio Diaz Andrade, AUT University (antonio.diaz at aut.ac.nz)
Cathy Urquhart, The University of Auckland (c.urquhart at auckland.ac.nz)

Important dates:
March  1, 2010          Deadline for paper, panel, workshop, and
tutorial submissions
April 12, 2010          Notification of acceptance of papers, panels,
workshops, and tutorials
April 26, 2010          Final copy due

Instructions for authors:
The entire paper should be no more than 5,000 words, including all
materials and sections such as figures, tables, and references. All
conference submissions will be double-blind, peer reviewed, and must
be submitted using the online submission system at
http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/amcis2010. For complete instructions
for authors and information about the conference, visit the AMCIS 2010
website at http://www.amcis2010.org.

N. Roztocki and H.R. Weistroffer, Information Technology Investments
in Emerging Economies, Information Technology for Development, vol.
14, no. 1, pp. 1-10, 2008.

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