[liberationtech] MIT's next billion program

Neema Moraveji neema at stanford.edu
Thu Jan 28 10:51:34 PST 2010


Within the next three years, another billion people will begin to make
regular use of cell phones, continuing the fastest adoption of a new
technology in history. Soon, this next billion will make its voice
heard—and connect to the global information network. This will unleash
a wave of entrepreneurship, collaboration and wealth creation, turning
the newly connected into a powerful force in the world economy. The
kind of world that emerges from this transformation will depend on our
ability to recognize it as an opportunity.

You can be part of this grassroots, connected revolution. Join the
Next Billion Network and come build with us a new kind of network.

NextLab is a hands-on design course in which students research,
develop and deploy mobile technologies for the next billion mobile
users in developing countries. Guided by real-world needs as observed
by local partners, students work in multidisciplinary teams on
term-long projects, closely collaborating with NGOs and communities at
the local level, field practitioners, and experts in relevant fields.

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