[liberationtech] Special issue tripleC: Capitalist Crisis, Communication & Culture
Christian Fuchs
christian.fuchs at uti.at
Sat Aug 28 15:35:35 PDT 2010
tripleC (cognition, communication, co-operation): Open Access Journal
for a Global Sustainable Information Society.
Vol. 8. No. 2: Special Issue on Capitalist Crisis, Communication & Culture
Edited by Christian Fuchs, Matthias Schafranek, David Hakken, Marcus Breen
Suggested citation: Fuchs, Christian, Matthias Schafranek, David Hakken
and Marcus Breen. Eds. 2010. Special issue on “Capitalist crisis,
communication & culture“. tripleC (cognition, communication,
co-operation): Open Access Journal for a Global Sustainable Information
Society 8 (2): 193-309.
“Capitalism […] is approaching an apocalyptic zero-point” (Slavoj Žižek).
What is the role of communication in the general situation of capitalist
The global economic downturn is an indicator of a new worldwide
capitalist crisis. The main focus of most public debates as well as of
economic and policy analyses is the role of finance capital and the
housing market in creating the crisis, less attention is given to the
role of communication technologies, the media, and culture in the world
economic crisis. The task of this special issue of tripleC is to present
analyses of the role of ICTs, the media, and culture in the current
crisis of capitalism. The seven papers focus on the causes, development,
and effects of the crisis. Each paper relates one or more of these
dimensions to ICTs, the media, or culture.
Capitalist Crisis, Communication, & Culture – Introduction to the
Special Issue of tripleC
Christian Fuchs, Matthias Schafranek, David Hakken and Marcus
Breen (Special Issue Editors)
pp 193-204
Computing and the Current Crisis:
The Significant Role of New Information Technologies in Our
Socio-Economic Meltdown
David Hakken
pp 205-220
The Virtual Debt Factory: Towards an Analysis of Debt and Abstraction in
the American Credit Crisis
Vincent R. Manzerolle
pp 221-236
Calculating the Unknown. Rationalities of Operational Risk in Financial
Matthias Werner and Hajo Greif
pp 237-250
Crisis, What Crisis? The Media: Business and Journalism in Times of Crisis
Rosario de Mateo, Laura Bergés, Anna Garnatxe*
pp 251-274
Anglo-American Credit Scoring and Consumer Debt in the Subprime Mortgage
Crisis of 2007 as Models for Other Countries?
Thomas Ruddy
pp 275-284
Crise, Genre et TIC : Recette pour une Dés-Union Prononcée. L’Exemple de
l’Afrique du Sud
(in French)
Joelle Palmieri
pp 285-309
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Priv.-Doz. Dr. Christian Fuchs
Unified Theory of Information Research Group
christian.fuchs at uti.at
Personal Website: http://fuchs.uti.at
NetPolitics Blog: http://fuchs.uti.at/blog
Research Group: http;//www.uti.at
Editor of
tripleC - Cognition, Communication, Co-Operation | Open Access Journal
for a Global Sustainable Information Society
Fuchs, Christian. 2008. Internet and Society: Social Theory in the
Information Age. New York: Routledge.
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