[liberationtech] REMINDER: Martha Feldman Mon Apr 13 at 12 noon (Terman 217)

Yosem Companys companys at stanford.edu
Tue Apr 7 16:45:26 PDT 2009

*Center for Work, Technology and Organization
Stanford University Department of Management Science and Engineering
2008-2009 Colloquium Series*



[image: marthafeldman.jpg]


*(Related Papers Attached)*


Monday, April 13, 12:00-1:30 pm
Terman 217
(Please see below for address, directions and parking)


Routines are pervasive processes that coordinate people’s efforts and enable
them to get work done.  Though often associated with inertia, recent
research focuses on the generative capacity and potential for improvisation
as routines are enacted in social setting.  Seeing routines as generative
systems clarifies their role in producing both stability and change and
enriches our ability to manage these processes. In this presentation I
explore some conceptual confusions that have made it difficult to perceive
routines as generative systems, discuss the internal dynamics of routines
and explore some of the potential methodological and practical implications.


Martha S. Feldman is a Professor in the Planning, Policy and Design
Department and the Johnson Chair for Civic Governance and Public Management
in the School of Social Ecology at the University of California, Irvine.
She holds courtesy appointments in Political Science, Business, and
Sociology.  Her recent work uses and extends practice theory to understand
the role of organizational routines in organizational learning and
adaptation.  Her work in public management builds on this interest and
focuses on inclusive management as a set of practices that help to create
positive resourcing cycles.  Her work in qualitative methods has focused
primarily on developing techniques for analyzing context-dependent
phenomena.  Her publications have appeared in Administrative Science
Quarterly, Governance, Organization Science, Public Administration Review
and elsewhere.  She is a senior editor at Organization Science and also
serves on the editorial boards of the Advances in Organization Studies ,
Business Research, International Public Management Journal, Journal of
Management Studies and Organization Studies.  She received her PhD in
Political Science from Stanford University in 1983.  Additional information
on Professor Feldman may be found


We are encouraging the WTO community to attend the following event sponsored
by the Department of Computer Science as part of their Human-Computer
Interaction Seminar on People, Communities, and


   *FRIDAY, MAY 1*: Judy and Gary Olson, Pioneers in the fields of
   human-computer interaction and computer-supported cooperative work, UC
   Irvine, "What Still Matters about Distance?"(Location Gates B01)

 Also, please note our remaining colloquiums for the 2009 spring quarter on
your schedule.  All colloquiums are held on a Monday in Terman 217, unless
otherwise noted:


   *MAY 11*: Batya
   Professor in the Information School and an Adjunct Professor in the
   Department of Computer Science and Engineering at the University of
   Washington *(Location TBD)

   - *MAY 18*: Donald
   Professor of Sociology in the School of Social and Political Science at the
   University of Edinburgh


Both the Human-Computer Interaction Seminar on People, Communities, and
Design <http://hci.stanford.edu/seminar/> and the Seminar in Science,
Technology and Society <http://hci.stanford.edu/seminar/> have an
exceptional line-up of speakers this spring quarter related to work,
technology and organization, including Michael Lynch (Cornell), Carl DiSalvo
(Georgia Tech), and Robert Kraut (Carnegie Mellon), so we encourage all of
you to attend these talks as well.

380 Panama Way
(Corner of Santa Teresa Street and Samuel Morris Way)
 Stanford University
Stanford, California 94305-4026

*From Highway 101 take:
*Embarcadero Road West
Embarcadero Road turns into Galvez Street after you cross El Camino Real
Right on Campus Drive
Left on Via Ortega
Left on Panama Street
Right on Samuel Morris Way

*From Interstate 280 North take:
*Alpine Road East
Right on Junipero Serra Boulevard
Left on Campus Drive West
Right on Santa Teresa Street

*From Interstate 280 South take:
*Sand Hill Road East
Right on Santa Cruz Avenue
Left on Junipero Serra Boulevard
Left on Campus Drive West
Right on Santa Teresa Street

(Online maps are available

*There is no free parking on campus. You must either bring quarters to park
short-term in metered spaces, or purchase a daily or monthly parking permit
from the Parking and Transportation Services Department at 340 Bonair
Siding, just off Campus Drive between Galvez Street and Serra Street. A
permits are more expensive than C permits, but the spaces are a little
closer to the buildings.

There are A, C, and metered spaces at the parking garage and parking lots on
the corner of Via Ortega and Panama Street.

There are A and metered spaces in the lot on the corner of Santa Teresa
Street and Samuel Morris Way.
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