[liberationtech] NEW COURSE: ICT, Society, and Democracy (Sym Sys 201)

Todd Davies davies at csli.stanford.edu
Thu Apr 2 22:55:21 PDT 2009

Please forward to students who might be interested in this course. - Todd

ICT, Society, and Democracy  (3 units)
Spring Quarter 2008-2009, Stanford University
Instructor:  Todd Davies
Meeting Time: Wednesdays 6:45-9:15 PM
Location: 240-110

Prerequisite: Completion of Psych 50, Psych 55, Psych 70, or SymbSys
170/270; or consent of the instructor

Course Description:

The impact of information and communication technologies on social and
political life. Interdisciplinary. Classic and contemporary readings
focusing on topics such as social networks, virtual versus face-to-face
communication, the public sphere, voting technology, and collaborative

More info/syllabus at http://www.stanford.edu/class/symsys201.

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