[liberationtech] REMINDER: Victoria Bellotti - WTO Colloq - Mon Dec 1 at Noon in Terman 217

Yosem Companys companys at stanford.edu
Sun Nov 30 22:57:16 PST 2008


*Center for Work, Technology and Organization
Stanford University Department of Management Science and Engineering
2008-2009 Colloquium Series*



*"The Magitti Activity-Aware Leisure Guide: Opportunity Discovery,
Innovation and New Technology Platform Development at PARC for a Japanese

*Time and Location:*

Monday, December 1, 12:00-1:30 pm
Terman 217

In this presentation, I describe a project undertaken at The Palo Alto
Research Center (PARC) for Dai Nippon Printing Co. Ltd., (DNP) to assist
them in developing a new opportunity beyond their traditional printing
business. The solution, codenamed "Magitti," was designed to be synergistic
with DNP's existing strengths in the publishing industry whilst
incorporating the latest in context- and activity-aware computing techniques
to recommend published content to consumers. In the short time I have to
tell this story, I will cover at a very high level, the market and
opportunity discovery fieldwork, I'll describe the Magitti system itself and
its user experience and an early field evaluation in which users tested a
prototype in Palo Alto and surrounding neighborhoods in California. Finally,
I will try to convey some of the interesting things that we learned about
collaborating with a Japanese client on a very intensive user-centered
technology innovation project.

*System Biography:*

"Magitti" is an electronic mobile leisure guide for when you are out and
about and want to know what a neighborhood has to offer. It presents options
for things to do, filtered by how well they match your current activity and
interests. You don¹t have to tell Magitti what you are doing; it uses an
inference engine to figure this out for itself. Your interests are then
inferred from your time, location, past behavior and predicted activity type
(i.e., dining, shopping, seeing or doing). Taste profiles and preferences
can be dynamically adjusted if you wish to improve the recommendations
further. For example, you can tell Magitti that you prefer vegetarian food
in general, but right now you are looking for fast food. Each recommendation
comes with user reviews and ratings which also determine how likely it is
that an item will be recommended. Magitti always assumes that you want to
see the best offerings in each category first and over time it learns from
your behavior so that recommendations keep getting

*Speaker Biography:*

Victoria Bellotti studies people to understand their practices, problems and
requirements for future technology. She also designs and analyzes systems,
focusing on user needs and experience and is an inventor on multiple patents
and pending patent applications. Her past work encompasses domains such as
transportation, process control, computer-mediated communication,
collaboration and ubiquitous computing. Victoria is probably best known, if
she is known at all, for her research on personal information management and
task management. However, more recently, her passion has been context- and
activity-aware mobile media and information systems.  Victoria received a
B.S. in Psychology in 1982, an M.S. in Ergonomics in 1983 from University
College, London UK and a Ph.D. in Human Computer Interaction from Queen Mary
and Westfield College, London UK in

*Upcoming WTO Colloquiums:*
This will be the final WTO colloquium for the fall quarter.  Please stay
tuned for an exciting roster of speakers in the winter quarter.
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