[liberationtech] Academia.edu: 'tree diagram' of departments and universities launches

Yosem Companys companys at stanford.edu
Wed Nov 19 18:22:07 PST 2008


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Richard Price <r_price at academia.edu>
Date: Thu, Nov 13, 2008 at 12:11 PM
Subject: Academia.edu: 'tree diagram' of departments and universities

Dear all,

I recently finished my Ph.D on the philosophy of perception from Oxford.
Together with a team of people from Stanford University and Cambridge
University, I've launched a website, www.academia.edu, which does two

 - It displays researchers around the world in a 'tree diagram' format,
showing which institution/department they are affiliated with.
 - It enables researchers to keep track of the latest developments in their
field - the latest people, papers, and talks.

We're hoping that the site will eventually list every academic in the world
-- Faculty members, Post-Docs, and Graduate Students. People can add their
departments, and themselves, to the tree by clicking on the boxes.

The site is getting some traction. Over 14,000 academics have joined
Academia.edu in the last two months. Some professors on the site include:

 - Richard Dawkins -  http://oxford.academia.edu/RichardDawkins
 - Stephen Hawking -  http://cambridge.academia.edu/StephenHawking
 - Paul Krugman - http://princeton.academia.edu/PaulKrugman
 - Noam Chomsky -  http://mit.academia.edu/NoamChomsky
 - Steven Pinker - http://harvard.academia.edu/StevenPinker

We're trying to spread the word about www.academia.edu. It would be
wonderful if you could visit the site, and add yourself to your department
on the tree. If your department/university is not there, you can add it/them
by clicking on the arrows coming out of the department/university boxes.

Independent researchers - if you are a researcher that is not associated
with a university, I encourage you to add yourself to the "Independent
Researchers" portion of the tree at http://independent.academia.edu

And do spread the word to your friends and colleagues if you can.

Many thanks,


Dr. Richard Price
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