[Network-Centric Resources] Corporate Social Media is in Decay - Next Discussion January 31st

Dirk Slater dirk at fabriders.net
Tue Jan 17 12:00:41 CET 2023

Hello Resource Designers,

I wanted to invite you to our next discussion on “Corporate Social Media is in Decay: What Should Non-Profits Do” on January 31st from 16:00 to 17:30 UTC.  Many of you who are helping build comnunications capacity showed interest in the session we did on December 13th, but couldn’t make it because you were busy wrapping up the year.  As the one we held on December 13th felt rushed, we will run this session for 90 minutes instead of 60 minutes.

As a reminder, We are organising these sessions to discuss how we navigate waters where the corporate profit motive is in direct conflict with the mission and objectives of the non-profits we serve. Is the answer really jumping into the decentralised Fediverse and starting using Mastodon? Or is the answer in refocusing on other established channels like email?
We are hoping you can help guide us and contribute to the creation of helpful guidelines/processes, such as:

a list of Questions to Ask Frequently in revisiting your non-profit comms strategy;
a list of principles that can orient our "adaption" to new realities;
a way for non-profits to more accurately cost out their social media strategies.
We will likely start generating content via blog posts after the session on the 31st. Again any thoughts on these ideas are welcome.

If you are interested in joining the discussions on January 31st from 16:00 to 17:30 UTC,  please register here: https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZIuceusqD8rGdfXCH6IvyvioYY1f5BeJCZu

You can also join the discussion by:
- joining the mailing list: CorpSoMeDecay at Fabriders.net <mailto:CorpSoMeDecay at Fabriders.net> - subscribe here: https://lists.ghserv.net/mailman/listinfo/corpsomedecay
- Use the hashtag #CorpSoMeDecay on any social media platform (Corporate or not)

If you know other people who would benefit from joining the discussion on the 31st, please share: https://www.fabriders.net/corpsomedecay/

And please get in touch with any questions or comments.

We are grateful for the advice and involvement of our collaborators and allies, Janet Gunter and Aspiration <https://aspirationtech.org/>, in this initiative.

Hope to see you on the 31st!

- Dirk

Dirk Slater
Facilitating Strategic Movement & Capacity Building
+447903932817 Mobile/Signal
@FabRider at mastodon.social
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