[Network-Centric Resources] Sarah Allen on Co-Creating MozFest, Our Next Online Discussion

Dirk Slater dirk at fabriders.net
Mon Jan 7 16:37:28 CET 2019

Hi Everyone,

Got another great guest for our next online discussion. Sarah Allen, the Executive Director for MozFest will be joining us to share her tried and true methodologies for designing the annual MozFest <https://mozillafestival.org/> event in collaboration with nearly 2000 participants. This will be of special interest for any of you that are interested in building a participatory event at scale. But also, Sarah’s strategies around sharing ownership, enabling contribution and supporting collaboration that then becomes the incredible roster of sessions, can be applied to any resource design.

This online discussion will take place on Thursday, January 17th at 16:00 GMT.  Check your time zone here <https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/converter.html?iso=20190117T160000&p1=136&p2=224&p3=155&p4=179&p5=37&p6=170&p7=44&p8=28&p9=237>.

You can get more details and join the discussion by RSVPing here:

https://www.fabriders.net/portfolio/ncrsarahallenmozfest/ <https://www.fabriders.net/portfolio/ncrsarahallenmozfest/>

Hope to see you!

- Dirk

Dirk Slater
Skype: dirkslater
Wire: @FabRider
Mobile/Signal: +447903932817
Join our Network on Designing Network Centric Resources: http://www.fabriders.net/network-centric/
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