[Network-Centric Resources] Sustaining Your Network-Centric Resource

Dirk Slater dirk at fabriders.net
Wed Dec 18 13:13:57 CET 2019

Hi Everyone,

Wanting to kick off 2020 and the new decade with more focused online
discussions around Network Centric Resources. At MozFest, I ran into Jon
Camfield from the Useable Project at Internews, and we got to talking
about the big challenges people face in trying to sustain a
network-centric resource over its life-cycle. Realising this would be a
great topic for our Next Online Discussion.

Are you grappling with how to sustain a resource? Are you trying to get
funders to understand how it needs support post-launch? Are you
exploring creative ways to engage your network or community in how to
sustain it as well? 

Are you interested in being an anchor, to lead small group breakouts
during the online discussions? Please let me know.

The online discussion for Sustaining Network Centric Resources is
tentatively scheduled for January 14th at 10:00 Eastern, 15:00 London,
16:00 Europe, etc.

And of course, if you are looking to have a one on one conversation
about either of those topics, remember that FabRiders offers free
one-hour consultations for Network Centric Resources.

Please get in touch!


Dirk Slater
+447903932817 (Mobile/Signal)
dirkslater (Skype)

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