[Network-Centric Resources] Gunner on Leadership for network-centric resources, our next Online Discussion

Javier Carranza javier.carranza at geocensos.com
Tue Apr 9 19:39:49 CEST 2019

Yes, please.

I confirm attendance, thank you for bringing down to earth more and more
rockstars that are shining in the co-creation firmament.

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*Javier Carranza** Tresoldi** CEO*

*, GeoCensosLic. en EconomíaMSc. in Geoinformation Twente UniversityM.A. in
Economics Georgetown University at geocensos*Skype: javiercarranza

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On Tue, Apr 9, 2019 at 12:18 PM Dirk Slater <dirk at fabriders.net> wrote:

> Hi Everyone,
> In two weeks on Tuesday April 23rd, we will be having our next Network
> Centric Resources Online Discussion with Allen Gunn (AKA Gunner) from
> Aspiration (https://aspirationtech.org).  Gunner will be sharing
> knowledge and lessons learned from his experience coaching, advising and
> providing leadership to countless network-centric projects.
> The discussion will take place on April 23rd at 16:00 BST, 8:00 PDT (to
> check your time zone see:
> https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/converter.html?iso=20190423T150000&p1=136&p2=224&p3=155&p4=250&p5=37&p6=170&p7=44&p8=145
> )
> RSVP to join the discussion and get your questions answered:
> https://www.fabriders.net/ncronlinediscussion/
> Hope to see you then!
> - Dirk
> Dirk Slater
> FabRider
> www.fabriders.net
> Skype: dirkslater
> Wire: @FabRider
> Mobile/Signal: +447903932817
> Join our Network on Designing Network Centric Resources:
> http://www.fabriders.net/network-centric/
> Public key attached!
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