[Network-Centric Resources] Re-designing huridocs.org for human rights defenders

Dirk Slater dirk at fabriders.net
Sun Aug 13 18:58:47 CEST 2017

Hi Kristin,

Apologies as I missed your question: 'Do you know of any NGO website that do a good job of providing valuable resources front and center?’

I think a great example is https://databasic.io/en/ <https://databasic.io/en/> - it’s a suite of tools specifically designed to enable learners to learn about using data in a number of different ways.

And also http://www.idealware.org <http://www.idealware.org/> - I like the dropdown menu on ‘browse topic.' I’ve been using it for inspiration for a redo of the FabToolkit https://www.fabriders.net/fabtoolkit/ <https://www.fabriders.net/fabtoolkit/> - I want to set up a menu that says - Learn more about:
- Using Data
- Training and Facilitation
- Campaign Strategy

Also check out School of Data’s online curriculum - https://schoolofdata.org/courses/ <https://schoolofdata.org/courses/>

And I would love to be a tester for any redesign prototypes you do on your site. Do let us know how you progress!



Dirk Slater
Skype: dirkslater
Mobile: +447903932817
Join our Network on Network Centric Resources: http://www.fabriders.net/network-centric/

> On 2 Aug 2017, at 11:55, Kristin Antin <kristin at huridocs.org> wrote:
> Hey all.
> Maya's email inspired me to reach out about our own website redesign
> process (so thanks for sharing, Maya!). Sounds like things are moving in
> a really good direction with that and I'm so glad.
> We're in the very beginning stages of a huridocs.org website redesign.
> We still need to write up user stories, but we already know that we want
> to prioritise meeting the needs of human rights defenders (resources,
> solutions, advice, tools, etc) ahead of explaining our organisation (our
> history, our team, our funders, our policies, etc).
> I have this vision, much like the idea behind RDF, to build up a
> community-created or community-sourced knowledge base and really put
> that at the center of this website...but alas, I'm afraid it might take
> a long time to build up those resources. So I'm here wondering what a
> good middle-ground could be so that we can still work on a new website
> as we add to this collection of resources. It would be great to
> redesign/update and "modularize" many of our existing resources (like
> our 230-page manual on the events standard formats methodology for human
> rights documentation). This could be the basis of this collection.
> But what I'm struggling with right now is finding any examples of this
> idea. Do you know of any NGO website that do a good job of providing
> valuable resources front and center?
> It's interesting that when I search for "knowledge base" I find examples
> of how it's being used for call centers, for internal staff, and for
> tech products (like https://www.dropbox.com/help). I'm surprised the
> idea hasn't caught on yet for nonprofit orgs.
> I know this is a really specific question so I apologize if it's too
> narrow. But I would greatly appreciate any ideas, advice or examples you
> have to share!
> Thanks,
> Kristin
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