[Network-Centric Resources] New to the list! Hello!

Michael Carbone michael at accessnow.org
Thu Apr 27 12:03:00 CEST 2017

Hi all!

// introducing yourself on the list

Michael here, I help manage the educational efforts on Access Now's
digital security helpline work <https://www.accessnow.org/help>,
particularly digital security advice and resources.

// give any amount of detail on the network-centric resource you are
working on

At IFF I helped facilitate a mega-session on documentation workflows in
order to capture some needs and practices within the community. We
decided to put the notes of that meeting and capture any future "better
practices" in a dedicated repo:


and for discussion, to use this list :)

We have a number of other efforts that we are hoping are/will become
network-centric resources:

## A First Look at Digital Security:

a starter guide on risk assessment (as the first step in thinking about
digital security).

## Helpline Community Documentation

a repo of public documentation about helpline processes and workflows.
We will continue to push out a lot more of materials over the course of
the year. we are doing this initiative in order to support others who
may be interested in setting up community or regional-focused help
desks, and also so that others can provide feedback on our processes and

// what are the big challenges you are facing in doing so

Some challenges/gaps that were identified in the documentation workflows


* Tooling to automate git+markfdown/transifex
* List of static site generators; other tooling infrastructure for
write-git-review workflow
* non-tech contributors in markdown workflow
* How do we as a documentation community share best practices, document
documentation, and continue our work? <- this mailing list and the
github repo
* Localization presentation standardization
* De-duping atomized documents
* Better output / exploration interface

Looking forward to discussing more with you all,

Maya Richman:
> Hey everyone,
> Thanks for the coordination and data dump Dirk!
> //introducing yourself on the list
> I'm Maya, I'm the Techno Queen at The Engine Room, where I focus on
> internal tech processes/security and engage with social change
> organisations/activists in sustained organisational security support.
> //giving any amount of detail on the network-centric resource you are
> working on
> I want to continue to improve and grow the network around organisational
> security (orgsec.community) and the Training of Trainers network re:
> Level Up (level-up.cc). The Engine Room also seeks to continue to
> produce hackable/CC research in modifiable and collaborative ways.
> //what are the big challenges you are facing in doing so
> Not to be techno-determinist, but...
> I think finding a tech stack, i.e. where the resource is hosted, tools
> for localisation, human-friendly contribution mechanisms, has been a
> huge impediment to making a living resource accessible and up-to-date.
> Looking forward to hearing from the rest of you!
> Maya
> On 03/16/2017 12:29 AM, Soraya Okuda wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Per the welcome email's suggestion, I am introducing myself to the list.
>> Here it goes:
>> I'm Soraya, I'm a designer at EFF, and I help with EFF's security
>> education materials initiative. We're currently working on resources for
>> trainers at SSD, though the exact shape of our materials is to be
>> determined. The goal is to make a sustainable resource that meets the
>> heightened demand for trainings, and that meets the diverse needs of the
>> security training community working with at-risk groups. It would be
>> geared toward beginner-friendly explanations.
>> I'm curious as to:
>> 1) What are some graphics you'd like to see for explaining digital
>> security to non-technical folks?
>> 2) What do you feel is missing in the educational material space for
>> digital security trainings?
>> 3) What isn't currently covered in digital security curricula that needs
>> to be?
>> Thanks and looking forward to ~*discuss*~ing with you.
>> Soraya
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Michael Carbone
Manager of Security Education
Digital Security Helpline
Access Now | https://www.accessnow.org/help

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