[Bigdatasur] Visual Media & Photography Research in South, Central America and Amazon Geographies

Toby Smith toby.smith at climateoutreach.org
Tue Nov 24 11:53:33 CET 2020

Good Morning/Afternoon the Big Data Sur Group

I am the Visuals & Media Programme Lead here at Climate Outreach 
<www.climateoutreach.org> - based in Oxford, UK.

We are looking for a co-author to support on the opening research phase 
of a wider body of work looking at improving the impact of photography 
concerning forests, land use and indigenous rights as climate solutions 
- with a particular emphasis on South, Central America and the Amazon.

We are recruiting as quickly as possible and have prepared a draft Terms 
of Reference to help outline the role and wider project better.


If the project is of interest, do please review the ToR, its 
deliverables and timeline and feel free to contact me directly. I just 
wanted to highlight that being trilingual in English, Spanish and 
Portuguese is preferable. However, we can make arrangements for  Spanish 
<-> Portuguese translation if required.

Kind regards

Toby Smith

Visuals and Media  Programme Lead,  Climate Outreach

Web:             climatevisuals.org <https://climatevisuals.org/>       
climateoutreach.org  <https://climateoutreach.org/>
Twitter:         @ClimateVisuals 
<https://twitter.com/climatevisuals?lang=en>        @ClimateOutreach 
Instagram:    ClimateVisuals <https://www.instagram.com/climatevisuals/> 
            Facebook: ClimateOutreach  
Phone:          +44 7967 039788

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 _CO is a charitable company, limited by guarantee, founded in 2004 to 
increase public understanding and awareness of climate change. Charity 
registration number 1123315, company number is 06459313, registered in 
England and Wales._
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