[Bigdatasur] new blog post: In Memory of COVID-19 in China

Stefania Milan s.milan at uva.nl
Fri May 22 14:54:38 CEST 2020

Dear all

This is to notify you that we have just published the third and last post for this week in the special blog “COVID-19 from the margins”. 
This time we go to China and explore grassroots forms of digital resistance to censorship during the pandemic. 
The blog post is entitled “In Memory of COVID-19 in China: Various Forms of Digital Resistance towards Censorship” and we encourage you to take a closer look: you won’t find these information in many other places.
I wish to wholeheartedly thank the author of the post, whom, as you will notice, has preferred to remain anonymous.
Please help us to share wide and far: 


Best, Stefania 

Stefania Milan
Associate Professor of New Media and Digital Culture, University of Amsterdam | https://stefaniamilan.net 
Principal Investigator, DATACTIVE (ERC Starting Grant 639379) | https://data-activism.net
Principal Investigator, ALEX (ERC Proof of Concept 825974) | https://algorithms.exposed 
@annliffey | @data_ctive
+31627875425 | +31(0)205252416
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