[Bigdatasur] new article on data colonialism (Couldry/Mejias)

Stefania Milan s.milan at uva.nl
Mon Sep 10 19:04:12 CEST 2018

Dear all, this is to let you know that article no. 1 of the Special Issue on “Big Data from the South” of the journal Television & New Media has been published!

Entitled "Data Colonialism: Rethinking Big Data’s Relation to the Contemporary Subject”, the article is authored by Nick Couldry and Ulises Mejias. The special issue is edited by Emiliano Trerè and myself and contains a selection of the articles presented last summer in Cartagena: many of you might remember Nick sharing their work in progress in that occasion.

You can find the article following this link: http://journals.sagepub.com/doi/full/10.1177/1527476418796632

Please note that the article is OPEN ACCESS for this month only as a teaser for the Special Issue to come!

More soon :-)
Best, Stefania and Emiliano

Stefania Milan
Associate Professor of New Media and Digital Culture, University of Amsterdam | https://stefaniamilan.net
Principal Investigator, DATACTIVE (ERC Starting Grant 639379) | https://data-activism.net
@annliffey | @data_ctive
+31627875425 | +31(0)205252416
Fingerprint: 5A7B  6330  5684  FC39  3DC0 67D7  08B3  50AE  6AF5  1B63

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