[Bigbang-dev] Potential things to ask of big bang

Corinne Cath corinnecath at gmail.com
Thu Jun 28 13:16:55 CEST 2018

Hi Davide,

Thanks for the quick response! Some comments in-line:

On Thu, Jun 28, 2018 at 1:36 PM, Davide Beraldo <d.beraldo at uva.nl> wrote:

> Hi Corinne (and all),
> Most of my answers above should be read 'in principle', in the sense not
> all of them can be answered straightforwardly with existing notebooks, but
> it would be easy to create an ad hoc one / amend the existing ones
> 1. who (what email address) has sent how many emails to a given list over
> a given time period (month/year mostly)
> yes
> 2. how many people are subscribed to a list in total?
> if I remember correctly, not even in principle

​Interesting, why is this the case? ​

> 3. how many emails have been sent in a given period of time?
> yes
> 4. the average number of emails over a given period of time?
> not sure what do you mean with average here: across mailing lists? average
> as in per day? per user? all these can be implemented for sure
> ​ ​

​I would be interested for instance in the average number of emails per
user, across multiple years. I would also be interested to know, when I
know what the peak number of emails​ is across a year, how many emails were
sent to the list per month, across multiple numbers of years.

> 5. The highest number of replies to a particular thread over a given
> period of time?
> i'm also not sure here: do you mean the user you sent more emails within a
> thread? or the thread with the most replies
> ​?

​Sorry for the confusion, yes I would like to know which threads have the
most replies and how many replies are there exactly. With the idea of being
able to compare high-volume threads across years (i.e. which debates where
the most heated, because that paired with qualitative reading of those
threads would enable me to tell an interesting story).​

> Anyway, this points to an issue that we somehow overlooked: we miss a
> 'descriptive statistics' notebook / collection in the examples. There was
> something in the SummerSchool collection but might be broken and somehow
> fell out in the gardening (my fault!). How urgent is this? I would be happy
> to work on it, but this and next week are pretty packed.

​I am trying to get a chapter for which this would be very helpful out the
door in the next two weeks and happy to think with you on how best to
approach this in big bang!

Best, ​

> Cheers,
> Davide
> On 28-06-18 10:29, Corinne Cath wrote:
> Hi all,
> i trust this email finds you well. As most know, I am an anthropologist at
> the oxford internet institute doing research on the ietf.
> Most of my methods are qualitative in nature, but i was wondering if it
> would be possible to use bigbang to get insight into the following:
> 1. who (what email address) has sent how many emails to a given list over
> a given time period (month/year mostly)
> 2. how many people are subscribed to a list in total?
> 3. how many emails have been sent in a given period of time?
> 4. the average number of emails over a given period of time?
> 5. The highest number of replies to a particular thread over a given
> period of time?
> I have been talking off list with Niels about this and he suggested I
> share my questions with you. My apologies if these are very
> rudimentary questions, I am not super familiar with the precise affordances
> of bigbang.
> Best,
> --
> Corinne Cath
> Ph.D. Candidate, Oxford Internet Institute & Alan Turing Institute
> Web: www.oii.ox.ac.uk/people/corinne-cath
> Email: ccath at turing.ac.uk & corinnecath at gmail.com
> Twitter: @C_Cath
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Corinne Cath
Ph.D. Candidate, Oxford Internet Institute & Alan Turing Institute

Web: www.oii.ox.ac.uk/people/corinne-cath
Email: ccath at turing.ac.uk & corinnecath at gmail.com
Twitter: @C_Cath
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