[Tor2web-talk] LEOs crawling tor2web?

Fabio Pietrosanti (naif) - lists lists at infosecurity.ch
Sun Oct 25 08:09:59 CET 2015


those organizations are surely doing crawling directly on the Tor Hidden
Service, but it's also possible that they are doing it from Tor2web.

Also the German agency wrote sometime to abuse@, while the italian rely
on national DNS-based censorship for CP sites (but have no evidence that
they are doing it on tor2web.org).

Btw i think that we shall start by asking ourself:

"How can we detect that someone is doing a crawling without much false

If we can do that, we would be able not only to remove them out from the
statistics, but also to "Automatically act" on the crawlers.

What do you think?

On 10/25/15 4:13 AM, Virgil Griffith wrote:
> I've been trying to get a better count of the popularity of child abuse
> content.  We know (or at the very least, strongly suspect), a lot of the
> traffic comes from LEOs.  Do we know of any organizations that are doing
> this crawling?  Both the IWF.org.uk <http://IWF.org.uk> as well as
> NCMEC.org deny any crawling on their part.
> I'd like to talk to an organization that does some of this crawling and
> their IPranges so we can subtract them out from the statistics.
> -V
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Fabio Pietrosanti (naif)
HERMES - Center for Transparency and Digital Human Rights
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