[Tor2web-talk] tor2web 3.1.21 poodlebleed free released!

Giovanni Pellerano giovanni.pellerano at evilaliv3.org
Tue Oct 21 00:51:56 CEST 2014

hi all!

discussing with some of you about the poodlebleed bug we decided to
stop the support for SSLv3 and i've released a new version that
disable it.

it would be nice if you all that run a tor2web node can update to the
latest version.


in addition i'm starting to thinki it would be a good idea to think
about changing the tor2web.org certificate for two reasons:
- it's still the same from time the heartbleed bug
- it makes use of SHA1 signatures

when we will decide to do this change there would be some problem due
to the fact that our certificate is pinned in google crome :( any idea
on how to manage this?



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