[ConsortiumShare] Open Invitation to '2023 State of the Sector Data Maturity in Nonprofits' report launch

sian at dataorchard.org.uk sian at dataorchard.org.uk
Mon Jun 19 14:17:25 CEST 2023

Hello to the Data Consortium, Dirk Slater suggested I share this invitation
in this network..


We would delighted if you could join us at 12 noon on Tuesday 4th July for
t> launch of our 2023 'State of the Sector Data Maturity Report' for the
nonprofit sector.  

With over 6000 people having completed a data maturity assessment, and three
years of data measuring and benchmarking how organisations are doing, we're
excited to share some unique insights. 

The webinar will explore:

*	how sectors and subsectors compare (including nonprofit, commercial
and public sector)
*	how things are changing 
*	the rewards advanced organisations are reaping
*	what's getting better. and what's not.
*	And we'll be hearing about the elephant in the corner!

I hope this might also be of interest to your colleagues and nonprofit
organisations you work with so if you're able to share the invitation far
and wide we'd be really grateful. 

t> Info and booking here


Best wishes



Sian Basker

Co Chief Executive

Data Orchard

P: 01432 800523

E: sian at dataorchard.org.uk <mailto:sian at dataorchard.org.uk> 

T: @Data_Orchard @sianbasker

W: www.dataorchard.org.uk <http://www.dataorchard.org.uk/> 



How to pronounce my name <https://name.pn/sian-basker> 


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